Monday, March 11, 2013

Optimize Opera Performance

  •  Go to MENU > Settings > Preference > then Select the Advanced tab , Browsing section, and in the "Loading" select "Redraw Instantly" click OK. 

    •  Go to MENU > Settings > Preference > then Select the Advanced tab ,
    • Network section, on the right corner string tagged Max connection to a server and Max total connections value both of them to 128.


  • Go to MENU > Settings > Preference > then Select the Advanced tab, History section, Address value "0", unmark the "Remember content on visited pages",
          Disk cache "100 MB", Check documents "Every week", 
          Check images
    • "Every week".

  • Go to MENU > Settings > Preference > then Select the Advanced tab, Network section, A tab named "Server Name Completion" click on it, unmark the "Look for local network machine" and "Try name completion, using".

You are Done!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Increase Internet Download Manager Speed

  1. Go to Start Menu 
  2. Click on Run 
  3. Search for key 

  4. "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager"
  5. On the right side panel find word "ConnectionSpeed"
  6. Modify it with the value "3b9ac9ff"   [Hexadecimal] or "999999999"  [Decimal]
  7. Now find the word "ConnectionType"
  8. Modify its value to "12" [Decimal] or "c" [Hexadecimal]
                                                       You are done!

Clean temp folder automatically

  1. Go to Start Menu.
  2. Click on Run.
  3. Type gpedit.msc
  4. Click on Computer configuration
  5. Expand Administrative Components
  6. Open Terminal services
  7. Open Temporary folders
  8. Double click on Do not delete temp folder upon exit
  9. Select Disabled. Also turn off the user log.
You are Done!

Optimize DSL-CABLE Connection Speed

  1. Go to Start Menu.
  2. Click on Run.
  3. Now type regedit.
  4. Search for the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\VxD\MSTCP
  5. Find the string DefaultRcvWindow.
  6. Modify it with 64240.
  7. Restart your PC.
You are Done!

Increase Internet Speed 20%

A Simple Tweak to increase your Internet Speed by 20%.

  1. Click on Start Button.
  2. Select Run From Start Menu.
  3. Type gpedit.msc
  4. Expand the Administrative Templates
  5. Now Expand the Network
  6. Click on QoS Packet Scheduler
  7. Double-click Limit Reservable Bandwidth (In Right Side Panel)
  8. Check Enabled
  9. Modify Bandwidth limit % to 0
  10. Click [OK] Button
  11. Restart Your PC
You are Done!

Free SMS via Facebook

How to send free SMS via FB?
Send free SMS all around the globe.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hide your IP on Internet for Free

Stay Anonymous on Internet for Free

Sample, Click the Link

  1. To check your IP (Internet Protocol) Address on computer run "Command Prompt"
  2. Type "ipconfig/all"
  3. Now you can see your IP Address

To check your IP (Internet Protocol) Address after anonymity.Click the link.